Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sudden Loss

Today I am reminded how drastically and suddenly our own worlds can change. It almost surprises me to type these next words, but even after this last year it seems that I am still surprised at how quickly things are forever different. From the words "I do", or the birth of child to less inviting scenario's such as a patch of black ice or in the this case a brain aneurism our worlds can be turned upside down. Today, a man who I loved dearly, a man that laughed heartily, hugged sincerely and loved very deeply, went home to be with the Lord. His life has impacted me greatly and his absence, even for just the few shorts moments that have passed, have left me disheartened. Sad not for him, as I know he is home but sad for the many left here to continue life without him. I pray, Lord that you would comfort his family, and pray that through this tragedy we may rejoice in people coming to know your name and Lord I pray that above all else, your will be done and that you would only grant us your peace that will pass understanding. In my sadness I rejoice for his life, I thank Jesus that he knew the truth and pray that all who knew him and all that may read this will choose today to live wholly for the Lord. May God grant us all Another Day to draw closer to Him...

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